Monday, March 3, 2014

March 1 - The Great Pee Dee River - Cheraw to Society Hill

We decided we liked the Pee Dee so much that we came back for seconds only a week later. We expected it to be somewhat different because the water was about half the flow from the previous weekend and we moved upstream, putting in at the riverfront park in Cheraw an taking out at Society Hill.
And just as we expected, it was a different experience. There wasn't as much help from the current and the low banks we saw the week before looked more like bluffs.
We won't bore you with details since most of it is a repeat. What we will tell you is that the river is actually more scenic at lower water. Even at 8k, we never encountered any shoals that spanned the entire width. At this water level, there are plenty of camping spots along the bank.

Both put-in and takeout are excellent facilities with good parking.
Click here to see our route
Name: Great Pee Dee - 3/1/2014
Activity type: Canoe
Description: Cheraw to Society Hill
Total distance: 28.72 km (17.8 mi)
Total time: 4:14:28
Moving time: 4:10:19
Average speed: 6.77 km/h (4.2 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 6.88 km/h (4.3 mi/h)
Max speed: 10.40 km/h (6.5 mi/h)

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